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Legend Tremor Scntd Clp Ndl Oil 1oz

Legend Outdoor Gear
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TREMOR CLP is a high quality one-step cleaner, lubricant, and rust preventative for all aspects of your firearms. It is effective in removing oils, dirt, copper, lead, and other contaminants. It provides a thin, non-greasy coating that prevents rust and lubricates all moving parts of fine firearms and sporting equipment. TREMOR CLP is expertly crafted using the finest oils, additives, and high purity solvents that modern chemistry has to offer. The resulting product is a high-performance solution that exceeds the militarys harshest friction and wear requirements.

Features :
  • 1 Ounce
  • Needler Bottle
  • High Quality One-Step Cleaner, Lubricant and Rust Preventative